
The Real Bad Parts

By @johnkpaul


John K. Paul

I work for Conde Nast

I ♥ JavaScript


What's bad but not so bad?

from Bad Parts: Appendix B - JavaScript: The Good Parts

  • with
  • eval
  • void
  • type coersion
  • continue/switch

How often do these issues come up?

how many with bugs have you wrangled?

The real bad parts

  • difficult concepts to grasp in the language
  • high blog post to understanding ratio

6 different ways to set this

  • "method" call
  • baseless function call
  • using call
  • using apply
  • constructor with new
  • bind
  • => fat arrow

"method" call

1.        var obj = {
2.           fullName: "John K. Paul",
3.            alertName: function(greeting){
4.                alert(greeting + " " + this.fullName);    
5.            }
6.        };
8.        obj.alertName("Hey"); // Hey John K. Paul

baseless function call

1.        var obj = {
2.            fullName: "John K. Paul",
3.            alertName: function(greeting){
4.                alert(greeting + " " + this.fullName);    
5.            }
6.        };
8.        var alertName = obj.alertName;
10.       alertName("Hey"); // Hey undefined
11.       // this is the global object unless in strict mode

using call

1.         var obj = {
2.             fullName: "John K. Paul",
3.             alertName: function(greeting){
4.                 alert(greeting + " " + this.fullName);    
5.             }
6.         };
8.         var alertName = obj.alertName;
10.        var newContext = {
11.            fullName: "John Doe"
12.        };
13., "Hey"); // Hey John Doe

using apply

1.         var obj = {
2.             fullName: "John K. Paul",
3.             alertName: function(greeting){
4.                 alert(greeting + " " + this.fullName);    
5.             }
6.         };
8.         var alertName = obj.alertName;
10.        var newContext = {
11.            fullName: "John Doe"
12.        };
13.        alertName.apply(newContext, ["Hey"]); // Hey John Doe

constructor with new

1.         var Foo = function(){
2.                 this.sayHey = function(){
3.                      alert("Hey");    
4.                 }
5.              }
7.         //this is a newly created object
8.         var newObject = new Foo(); 
10.        newObject.sayHey() // Hey 

using bind

1.         var obj = {
2.             fullName: "John K. Paul",
3.             alertName: function(greeting){
4.                 alert(greeting + " " + this.fullName);
5.             }
6.         };
8.         var alertName = obj.alertName;
10.        var newContext = {
11.            fullName: "John Doe"
12.        };
13.        boundFunc = alertName.bind(newContext, "Hey");
14.        boundFunc(); // Hey John Doe

Fat Arrow =>

In ES6

1. // with fat arrow inner function
2. var myObj = {
3.   longOuter: function() {
4.     console.log(this); // this is myObj
5.     var fatInner = () => 
6.       console.log(this); // this is also myObj
7.     fatInner(); 
8.   }

What on earth is prototypal inheritance



What is inheritance...really?

Is it classes?

Is it blueprints?

Is it super?

No, none of these

Code Reuse

This is what we really care about

Write code once, use in multiple situations

prototypal inheritance makes this easy

don't think about new, super, and extends

don't even think about JavaScript's prototype property

Prototypal inheritance is about fallbacks

How does prototypal inheritance work?

1.    var base = {
2.        firstName: "John",
3.        lastName: "Paul",
4.        getFullName: function(){
5.           return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; 
6.        },
7.    }; // base is the fallback
9.    // where the magic happens
10.   var obj = Object.create(base); 
11.   obj.alertName = function(){
12.           alert(this.getFullName());    
13.   };
15.   obj.alertName(); // John Paul
17.   // this is code reuse!
18.   alert("getFullName" in obj) //true
19.   alert(obj.getFullName === base.getFullName)  //true


Not all js environments have Object.create

But we have a solution for < IE9

1.     Object.closeToCreate = function (o) { 
2.         function F() {}
3.         F.prototype = o;
4.         return new F();
5.     };

prototype is double speak

  • prototype #1 - property on a function
  • fallbackOfObjectsCreatedWithNew would be better
  • prototype #2 - internal reference of every object
  • ES6 now calls this dunderproto (__proto__)

Scoping: breaking the principle of least surprise

1.    var arr = [1,2,3];
2.    var out = [];
3.    for(var i = 0; i<arr.length;i++) {
4.       var item = arr[i];
5.       out.push(function(){ alert(item); });
6.    }
8.    out.forEach(function(func){ func(); });

Only functions can create scope

1.   var arr = [1,2,3];
2.   var out = [];
3.   for(var i = 0; i<arr.length;i++) {
4.      (function(valueToAlert){
5.        var item = valueToAlert;
6.        out.push(function(){ alert(item); });
7.      })(arr[i]);
8.   }
10.  out.forEach(function(func){ func(); });
  • Coffeescript has do keyword

ES6 adds let

1.    var arr = [1,2,3];
2.    var out = [];
3.    for(var i = 0; i<arr.length;i++) {
4.       let item = arr[i];  // block scoped 
5.       out.push(function(){ alert(item); });
6.    }
8.    out.forEach(function(func){ func(); });

one of these is not like the other

1.    testFunc(); 
2.    var testFunc = function(){ alert("hey!"); };

1.    testFunc(); 
2.    (function testFunc(){ alert("hey!"); });

1.    testFunc();
2.    function testFunc(){ alert("hey!"); }; 

How does hoisting work?

1.    (function(){
2.        var hello = "world";
3.        //some other code
4.        var expression = function(){ alert("expression!"); };
5.        var foo = "bar";
6.        function declaration(){ alert("declaration!"); }; 
7.    })();                                                    

1.    (function(){
2.        function declaration(){ alert("declaration!"); }; 
3.        var foo, hello, expression;
4.        hello = "world";
5.        //some other code
6.        expression = function(){ alert("expression!"); };
7.        foo = "bar";
8.    })();                                                     

1.     function declaration(){} // hoisted
3.     (function expression(){
4.         function declaration(){} // hoisted
5.     }())
7.     var expression = function(){}; // not hoisted
10.    var expression = function expression(){}; // not hoisted
12.    (function expression(){})(); // not hoisted
14.    new function expression(){}; // not hoisted
16.    0, function expression(){}; // not hoisted
18.    void function expression(){}  // not hoisted
19.    +function expression(){}  // not hoisted

Only easy rule - if there's no name, it's a expression


  • "use strict";
  • this can be set in 6 7 different ways
  • prototypal inheritance is based on fallbacks
  • only a function can define a new scope (until let)
  • hoisting acts as if source code moves around before interpretation
  • function expressions and function declarations can be distinguished
  • ES 6 will make all of our lives easier right now


Thank you!


The Real Bad Parts

By @johnkpaul